La Historia de los Vascongados en el Oeste is a valuable resource for those researching Basques in the American West at the turn of the 20th century. The book’s pages are filled with the histories and biographies of Basque communities and families in Boise, Idaho; Mountain Home, Idaho; Shoshone, Idaho; Jordan Valley, Oregon; Elko, Nevada; Winnemucca, Nevada; and McDermitt, Nevada.
La Historia de los Vascongados en el Oeste was published in 1917 by the newspaper group, Las Novedadas, Inc. of New York, and in 1918, by Mountain States Publishing Company of Boise, Idaho. The book’s author, Samuel “Sol” Silen, lived in Boise, Idaho, for a part of his life working as a stockman in the sheep industry, a manager of a Nampa (Idaho) oil company, and as a real estate auctioneer.
The primary language of the original text for La Historia de los Vascongados en el Oeste is Spanish, which has been translated into English by Aintzane Gonzalez, intern to the Basque Museum & Cultural Center through the Basque Global Training Program (2018). Below are links to the Spanish version of this book followed by the English translation.
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To see the full screen version of the book, click the expansion icon . To search within the text, click the expansion icon and then click the magnifying glass
in the upper right-hand corner of the book.
Below is a list of all the individuals and families listed in La Historia de los Vascongados en el Oeste.
Aguirre, Francisco – wife, Gabina Goitia. Children – Bonifacia and Florentina
Aldecoa, Domingo – wife, Maria Pagoaga. Children – Basilio, Maurina, and Benedicta
Aldecoa, Marcelino – wife, Anastacia Arriandiaga
Aldecocea, Castor – wife, Juana Beascoa. Children – Cecilia, Juan, Castor, and Antonio
Anacabe, John B. – wife’s name unknown, 1 son – John B. Anacabe
Anchustegui, Gregorio – wife, Fermina Iturri – 1 daughter, Maria Luisa
Anchustegui, Jacinto – wife, Estefania Churruca – 1 daughter, Milagrosa
Archabal, Juan – wife, Benedicta (sister of Domingo/Marcelino) – Children – Casilda, Matilde, Jane, John, Fidel, and Dan
Aramburu, Narciso (organist at St. John’s Cathedral)
Arregui, Bernardo (Padre)
Arregui, Mateo – wife, Adriana Zelaya. Children – Juan, Carmen, and Rosa
Arritola, Pedro – wife, Maria Uberuaga (niece of Antonio/Gustavo Azcuenaga)
Azpiri, Francisco (brother of Pia Navarro, nephew of Bernardo Arregui)
Azcuenaga, Antonio – wife, Consuelo Uberuaga. Children– Daniel, Adrian, Fernando, and Ines
Barruetabena, Felipe – wife, Francisca Salabarieta
Beristain, Ventura – wife, Rita Bengoechea
Bermensolo, Bonifacio – wife, Jeronima Gavica
Bermensolo, Luis – wife, Venancia Gabica. Children – Jesus and Juan
Diaz, Emilio – wife, Beatriz Echeverria
Echevarria, Elias – wife, Joaquina Badiola. Children – Julio, Angeles, and Nieves
Echevarria, Juan – wife, Alejandra Sillonis. Children – Pedro, Juanita, Segunda, and Maria
Echevarria, Justo – wife, Raimunda Aldamiz. Children – Lucia and Beatriz
Echevarria, Pedro – wife, Maria Yrusta. Children – Angel, Victoria, and Luis
Gabica, Elias – wife, Valentina Uberuaga (sister of Pedro Arritola & niece of Antonio & Agustin Azcuenaga). Children – Soledad, Ricardo, and Luisa
Gabica, Miguel – wife, Ana (?). Four sons – Jose, Juan, Jesus and Luis
Garmendia, Bonifacio – wife, Julia Echevarria. 1 son, Jose
Gaviola, Manuel – wife, Dolores Azpiri. Children – Flora, Maria, Hilaria, and Miguel
Jayo, Anastasio – wife, Anunciacion Amias. 2 daughters – Anastacia and Remedios
Letemendi, Antonio – wife, Leandra Ondarza. Children – Francisca, Jose, Valentina, Bonifacio, Maria, Dionisio, and Victoria
Mendiola, Gervasio – wife, Ana Ostolasa Arriandiaga
Mendiola, Jose – wife, Juana Aldecoa. Children – Domingo, Juan, Luis, Jose (Juana died and he later married Maria Goicoechea)
Navarro, Jose – wife, Pia Azpiri
Ocamica, Antonio – wife, Anastasia Osa – 1 daughter, Gloria
Odiaga, Domingo – wife, Paula Fresnedo – Children: Paula, Maria, Jose, Avelina, and Pia
Ondarza, Jose – wife, Escolastica Arriandiaga – Aurora, Liba, Ricardo
Ostolasa, Constantino – single
Sabala, Francisco – wife, Florentina Irazabal
Solosabal, Joaquin – wife, Pilar Silloaga. 1 son, Juan
Uberuaga, Jose – wife, Felipa Juarrochena. Children – Blanca, Maria, Jose, and Rosita
Uranga, Antonio – wife, Maria Zabala
Uranga, Juan – wife, Bonifacia Llona. Children – Ricardo, Antonio, Maria Luisa, and Maria del Carmen
Urruzuno, Lazaro – wife Ines Echevarry. Children – Joe, Mari, and Aurora
Yraola, Petra – (Father Bernardo Arregui’s niece) taught Spanish, organist St. Johns
Yriondo, Ramon – wife, Segunda Maruri. Children – Benedicta and Francisca
Yzaguirre, Bruno – wife, Sabina Arrien
Acarregui, Juan – wife, Paula Anchustegui. Children – Angel, Antonio, and Floyd
Achabal, Deogracias
Acordagoitia, Simon – wife, Mercedes Eiguren – 2 sons, 1 daughter
Aramberri, Jose
Arritola, Dionisio
Arritola, Rufino – wife, Maria Elordi. 1 son – Luis
Azcuenaga, Agustin – wife, Maria Agustina Urquiza. Children – Antonio J., Luis A., Juan C., Alicia, and Ethel
Bengoechea, Ventura – wife, Juanita Goitiandia. Children – Pedro, Juanita, Jose, Maximo, and Francisco
Bermiosolo, Antonio – wife, Petra Yturrieta
Berris, Prudencio – wife, Juana Arrulu. – 4 children
Bilbao, Juan – wife, Santa Guisazola. Children – Rosa, Enrique, and Isabel
Chertudi, Ignacio – wife, Gabriela Yturri
Corta, Justo – wife, Maria Ocamica, 1 son, 1 daughter
Eiguren, Bonifacio – wife, Luisa Bermensolo. 1 son – Pedro
Eiguren, Domingo – wife, Maria Eiguren. Children – Pilar, Luis, and Domingo (expecting Jose)
Eiguren, Felix – (Jose Navarro is his uncle)
Eiguren, Jose B. – wife, Jacoba Navarro. Children – Maria, Pascual, Ines, Felix, Micaela, Antonio, Pablo, Matias, Francisco, Filomena, Julian, and Luis
Eiguren, Jose – wife, Carmen Uberuaga – 5 children
Eiguren, Pascual – wife, Catalina Elordi. 1 son – Ricardo
Elordi, Damaso – wife, Gregoria Cabot. Children – Gabriel, Carmen, Jose, Damaso, and Ana
Icaran, Simon
Lequerica, Timoteo – wife, Josefa Zabalbeascoa. Children – John, Concepcion, Gerardo, and Rufino
Madariaga, Eulogio – wife, Trinidad Arriola. Children – Jose Rosario, Sabino, Aurora, and Rosario
Marquina, Sotero – wife, Eustaquia Yturri. Daughter – Maria del Carmen
Navarro, Manuel – (his uncle is Jose Navarro)
Telleria, Blas – wife, Ines Eiguren – Jose Maria
Uberuaga, Donato – wife, Engracia Yraolabeitia
Urlezaga, Juan – wife, Gloria Bermensolo. Children – Juan, Eloisa, and Carmen
Urquiaga, Lazaro – wife, Josefa Aldecoa. Children – Cristina, Rufina, Domingo, and Elena
Yturraspe, Luis – wife, Natalia Acarregui. Children – Jesus, Jose, Maria
Yturri, Domingo – wife, Maria Elorriaga. Children – Juanita, Lola, Luis, and Antonio
Zabala, Jose – wife, Maria Madarildiata – 3 sons, 2 daughters
Alzola, Faustino – wife, Eusebia Elguezabal
Archaval (Achabal), Jose Francisco
Arrechevaleta, Nemesio – wife, Cornelia Cobeaga
Arriero, Alejo – wife’s name unknown
Arrieta Ycaran, Miguel – wife, Margarita Bastida Uriarte
Beitia, Manuel – wife, Fernanda Jai – one son, one daughter
Bengoechea, Jose – wife, Margarita Nachiondo – 2 children
Cendacorta, Higinio – wife, Marta Corta – Jose, Benedicta
Enchusti, Francisco
Gandiaga, Pedro – wife, Julia Nachiondo
Guisasola, Vicente – wife, Maria Camporredondo
Laucirica, Jose – 2 sons, 2 daughters
Lugea, Juan – single
Mendiola, Juan – wife – Cecilia Alzola
Onaindia, Francisco – wife, Benita Goitiandia. 3 children
Pagoaga, Julian – wife, Maria Andurza. 3 sons, 2 daughters
Sarduy, Juan Ciriaco – wife’s name unknown – 2 sons, 2 daughters
Telleria, Damian
Totorica, Jose – wife, Leandra Erquiaga
Achabal, Balbino – wife, Hermenegilda Urizar. Children – Pio and Avelina
Altube, Bernardo– wife’s name unknown, had six children including Julio J. Altuve
Altube, Pedro
Amestoy, Martin
Arena, L. P.- wife, Cassi Oroz
Arregui, Miguel – wife, Magdalena Chandarena. 4 sons, 2 daughters
Calzacorta, Domingo – wife, Anita Marisquirena. 1 daughter, Dolores.
Corta, Florencio – single
Corta, Pedro – wife, Miss Cortari. Children -Pedro, Margarita, Gabino, and Jose
Fourreuill, Andreu- wife, Maria Angela (?) – 1 child
Goicoechea, Pedro – wife, Guadalupe Mendive. Children – Julio and Benedicto
Inchausti, Andres – wife, Lorenza Urizar. Children – Antonio and Andres
Itcaina, Pedro – wife, Agustina Sosaya
Jauregui, Pedro – wife, Matilde Eizaguirre. 1 daughter, Teresa
Jauristi, Vicente- wife, Mary Waters. Children – Angelina and Anita
Lostra, Miguel – wife, Francisca Avina
Madarieta, Celso – wife, Agustina Marisquerena
Madarieta, Juan
Odiaga, Francisco – wife, Concepcion Badarona. Children – Concepcion, Ana, and Margarita
Olabarria, Pedro – wife, Simona Bastida. Children – Laura and Alberto
Orbe, Pedro – wife, Tomasa Arrascada. Children – Dominica, Domingo, Libia, Alberto, & Ana
Oscoz, Manuel
Plaza, Felix – wife, Fernanda Eguibar. Children – Fernanda and Felicia
Quintana, Juan – wife, Felipa Ibanez. Children – Anita and Juan
Recatume, Domingo – single
Sabala, Domingo – Gregoria Garteis. Children – Francisco, Jose, Maria, Anastasia, and Pedro
Saval, Joe – single
Saval, John – wife, Carmen Aboites
Aramburu, Hermenegildo – wife, Jacoba Aberasturi. 2 children, Esperanza and Juan Cruz
Arrascada, Ignacio – wife, Facunda Sabala. 1 son, Ignacio
Gastonada, Jose – wife, Antonia Alzala. Children–Jose, Martin, Aquilina, Segundo, Eugenio
Legarza, J.M.– wife, Florencia Eriaga. Children – M.R., M.C., Jose, Nieves, Salvador, Adolfo, Francisco, Ana Eva
Mendive, Esteban S.- wife, Petra Morato. Children – Maria Carmen, Leona, Julia, Pedro Rufino
Oyarbide, Ramon – wife, Carmen Acorda. 2 daughters- Margarita and Juanita
Yrulegui, Benigno
Aldaz, J.P.
Duque, Bertrad – wife, Catherine Miramon. 2 daughters – Renee and Adelina
Etchebarren, Jean – wife, Demetria Arburua. 2 sons – Juan and Pedro
Jauregui, Mateo – wife, Ena Mouspe – 2 sons and 2 daughters
Saralegui, Antonio – wife, Carmen Erreart. Children – Lorenzo, Pedro, Pablo, and Emilia
Aboitiz, Angel – wife, Candida Zabaljauregui
Achabal, Anacleto
Achabal, Segundo
Bengoa, Domingo – wife, Francisca Cobeaga. 3 daughters – Josefina, Emilia, and Dominga
Bengoa, Francisco – wife, Margarita Achabal. Children – Anacleto, Francisco, and Margarita
Cobeaga, Miguel
Gabica, Santiago – wife, Martina Achabal. Children – Ferman and Francisco
Jaca, Juan – wife, Ramona Urrutia. Children – Felix, Joaquin, and Maria
Jaca, Silvestre – wife, Florentina Asurmendi. Children – Juan, Jose, Santy, and Bendita
Samuel “Sol” Silen (1879-1944)
While not a great deal is known about Sol Silen or the motivation behind writing La Historia de los Vascongados en el Oeste, some information has been gathered through primary and secondary sources such as census records and newspaper articles.
Samuel “Sol” Silen, the son of Hyman Silen and Mollie August, was born on August 8, 1879. Census records differ in the birth place of Sol. The 1900 Cleveland census states he was born in Russia, following censuses (1910-1940) state he was born in either Pennsylvania or Ohio. His parents too have various birth locations recorded: Russia (1900 census), Germany (1910, 1920 censuses), and Poland (1930 census).
On March 5, 1899, Sol married Sadie Haims. The Ohio Cuyahoga Country Jewish marriage extracts states Sol was a cigar maker and that both he and Sadie were born in Russia. Together, Sol and Sadie had five children:
Both city directories and census records have Sol and his family living and working in California by 1910. Sol is listed as a salesman in San Francisco in 1909 and living in Mendocino in 1910. By 1911, Sol and his family begin to be mentioned in the The Idaho Daily Statesman (now called The Idaho Statesman), a newspaper printed in Boise, Idaho, as well as other regional papers. In 1911, Sol’s name appears on several auction and real estate advertisements as “S. Silen, Real Estate Auctioneer” (The Idaho Daily Statesman 1911:14 May, pg 13; The Idaho Daily Statesman 1911:22 May, pg 10; Elmore County Republican 1911:20 May, pg 5). Sol’s 1918 draft registration record lists him as a self-employed “sheepman,” and the 1920 Boise census states Sol is a “stockman” in the sheep industry, both may be his link to the Basque community in the American West. In December of 1920, The Idaho Daily Statesman briefly mentions Sol as a manager for a “local gas-oil concern” and in January 1922, states that Sol resigned as the manager of the Idaho Oil & Gas Company after a companywide reorganization (The Idaho Daily Statesman 1920:4 Dec, pg 7; The Idaho Daily Statesman 1922:22 Jan, pg 12).
Sol and his family are listed in the Oakland, California, 1930 census. Sometime after moving to California, Sol and Sadie divorced. Sol remarried Eunice Cunningham in Everett, Washington, on October 23, 1938. According to his World War II draft registration card, Sol was living in Seattle, Washington, and working as a salesman for “La Mirada Olive Co,” a company based out of San Francisco, California, by 1942. Sol was traveling from California to his home in Seattle, when he died on August 26, 1944. His death certificate states “cerebral hemorrhage” as his cause of death. Sol is buried in the Bikur Cholim Cemetery in Seattle.
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