Thank you for your interest in Euskara through the Basque Museum & Cultural Center. We are very excited to be offering the following opportunities both in person and online. If you have any questions, please reach out to us.
Cost for classes is $175 per semester. If you are a member of a NABO-affiliated club, you can receive a discount of $50. We also have scholarship opportunities available for those interested. Please contact us for a discount code BEFORE you sign up.
We require 7 students minimum per class. If a class doesn’t meet the required minimum by the registration deadline, students will be contacted and given the option of shifting to another class or a refund (less credit card fees). Should any BMCC classes not work for your schedule, check out the online learning opportunities from NABO.
(click class title to access link to sign up for each class)
This course is a continuation of Fall’s Euskara Gaur I class and is for beginner students with no, or very little, Euskara knowledge or experience. Euskara Gaur I is designed around the objective of content-based learning with practical skills.
Learning Outcomes: Students will learn the language through a functional approach with emphasis on communicative competences, with the goal of being able to introduce themselves and others, exchange personal information, describe places and express what they want/have to do while sightseeing/shopping, check timetables of events, ask about/give information about touristic places and express purpose. Students will be given exercises, listening/video watching activities, speaking activities, worksheets and more.
Prerequisites: Euskara Gaur I or approval from teacher.
Schedule: February 3 – May 5 (no class February 17 or March 17)
This course is a continuation of level 1 and it is appropriate for students with basic vocabulary and an understanding of common verb patterns/expressions for social interaction. This course is designed to foster further communicative competences through speaking and listening skills.
Learning Outcomes: Students will learn how to express past/future actions as well as habits/routines, describe plans through conditional situations, and express likes/dislikes among other functional/social skills. Students will be given exercises, listening/video watching activities, speaking activities, worksheets, and more.
Prerequisites: Euskara Gaur I or a beginners’ course.
Schedule: February 3 – May 5 (no class February 17 or March 17)
This course is for students with a few years of formal Euskara education or comfort at a basic conversational level. More advanced grammar concepts are taught through practical listening and activities.
Prerequisites: Euskara Gaur III or at least three years of Euskara studies.
Schedule: January 27 – April 28 (no class February 17 or March 17)
This course offers you Euskara language skills you would want to have to travel to the Basque Country. Thoughtfully designed, this course introduces a new province each week while focusing on topics that will prove useful on your next visit such as travelling, shopping, ordering in a restaurant, understanding different Euskara dialects/accents.
Communicative projects in Euskara such as “penpals” and virtual meetings with other Euskara students and native people.
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to communicate effectively with accurate vocabulary/grammar on travelling situations and ask for/exchange information in oral communicative activities.
Prerequisites: none
Schedule: February 7 – May 2 (no class March 21)
This course is a continuation of mini course 1 or for students that have already acquired the skills of introducing themselves to others and basic skills such as exchanging basic information. Designed for students who already have the basis of the language (by attending or not mini course 1) this course goes deeper into the Basque culture, increasing the linguistic level through real life listening/videos activities.
Communicative projects in Euskara such as “penpals” and virtual meetings with other Euskara students and native people.
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to interact with one of the key aspects of local traditions and go beyond Euskara by learning much more than the language itself. Surveys, competitions, games and awards included in the course.
Prerequisites: Euskal Herria Ezagutzen I, or mid A1.1 level of Euskara
Schedule: February 6 – May 1 (no class March 20)
This course focuses on the acquisition of communicative activities in which students can carry out oral exchanges fluently on different topics and tenses. Students can already understand basic Euskara and in this course, they will go up the Euskara ladder improving both listening and communicative skills. Students will contact Euskara traditions in the past and now, experiencing how some habits are still present and how some others have changed in the Euskal society.
Communicative projects in Euskara such as “penpals” and virtual meetings with other Euskara students and native people.
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to communicate in Euskara fluently and with accurate grammar structures, including past, present, future contexts among others.
Prerequisites: Euskal Herria Esagutzen I – IV, Euskara Gaur III or an intermediate level course, A2.1/A2.2 level of Euskara.
Schedule: February 4 – April 29 (no class March 18)
This course fosters fluent communication through different input techinques, listening to native people, reading Euskal literature and then debating about it and speaking sessions among students in the class plus oral exchanges with Euskara students of other places. Going up in grammar content and vocabulary, this course focuses on the acquisition of natural communicative exchanges.
Communicative projects in Euskara such as “penpals” and virtual meetings with Euskara students and native people.
Learning outcomes: students will be able to communicate in Euskara fluently among themselves and with native people.
Prerequisites: Euskal Herria Esagutzen I – VI, or an intermediate level course, B1.1 level of Euskara.
Schedule: February 5 – April 30 (no class March 19)