
In 2021, Mullan, Idaho is a small, quiet settlement of about 700 people, but at its peak in 1940, 2,300 people, mostly miners and their families, called the bustling mining town of Mullan their home. Located just four miles west of the Montana border, Mullan was established in 1884 and was named after United States Army Captain John Mullan, who was sent to build a military road from Fort Benton, Montana to Walla Walla, Washington in 1850. The highest elevation of the road is seven miles outside of Mullan, at 5,168 ft.

In 1884 four men initially staked claims – Joseph Hunter, Frank Moore, George Goode, and C.C. Earle spent the winter of 1884 there looking for gold. Gold Hunter Mine and Morning Mine broke ground and the town of Mullan came to life between the two. It quickly became a welcome stop for pioneers heading west and a train stop with the arrival of the Northern Pacific railroad in 1889.

During Prohibition (Jan 1920-Dec 1933) Mullan was an important center for bootlegging, along the “Old Moonshine Trail” that brought Canadian whisky to thirsty Idahoans.

Many mines began closing in the 1950s, but the Lucky Friday Mine, operated by Hecla Mining Company, has been in operation since 1942 and with the completion of a #4 shaft project, expects another 20-30 years of mine life.  Other mines are still in operation in the area today.

Reference:  Larkin Mullin, “Mullan, Idaho,” Spokane Historical, accessed November 18, 2020.

Basques in Mullan, Idaho

The 1920 census reveals that Patrick Gleason, hotel manager, and Delia Billbery, proprietor, had immigrated from Ireland nearly thirty years earlier and together were operating a hotel on Earle Ave. South S. in Mullan, Idaho and had 61 boarders staying with them. Among the boarders were Juan Alvarez and Gregorio Fernandez who were identified as being from “Spain,” and working in the quartz mine in the census, but we do not know if they may have been Basque.
Some Basques did find jobs working in the gold, silver, and lead mining camps of this northern Idaho town and by 1925 a boardinghouse was established there by the Eugenio Mingo (Mingolarra) and Maria Dominga “Dominica” Soloaga Mingo (Mingolarra) family.

(To enlarge photos – Click on the image)

In Their Own Words

Summaries of stories provided through oral histories of Basques who lived in Mullan.  We will be linking the oral history recordings soon.  For now, you can read an excerpt from the transcript of the interview.