oral history

BMCC Oral Histories

Over the years many people have recorded interviews with Basque people in the American West for various research projects. Many of these audiotapes are archived at the Basque Museum & Cultural Center in Boise, Idaho and in the Basque Studies Library at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Recently, a grant provided by the Basque Government is allowing these interviews to be transformed and published into a medium that makes them more accessible to the public. The Museum is actively posting the interviews already collected and is collecting more stories from those people yet to be chronicled.

Our hope is that you will enjoy this site and that others will be inspired to share their stories. Interviews will continue to be added as they become available. If you’d like to be a participant or know of someone who should be, click here to contact us.

You can search by First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Nickname, or Other. Just enter a letter to get started. Happy searching!

or filter alphabetically by last name

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